Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am really bad at this posting stuff. So I will try and catch up. I'm in Nexpa right now and have been for a while. I seem to get stuck places. I find a place I like and have trouble leaving. I came down to Nexpa with Gabe, Heather and Rachelle from Ticla. A really awesome swell came in a few days after being here. I caught the best wave of my trip thus far. Quite a bit overhead and probably a 30 second ride. A perfect left. Its a cool spot, quiet and mellow with good surf. We stayed at Aqullias Del Mar a little restaurant\camping\rooms for rent place. We all 4 stayed in one room and took over the balcony next to the restaurant. I haven't laughed so hard in a while, we had a lot of fun. There was hardly anyone here when we arrived and there was a family from Morelia downstairs helping caretake the place. We shared the kitchen with them and ended up sharing meals and sitting around fires and laughing a lot. It was sad to see them go. Gabe and Heather left shortly after and Rachelle and I stayed for a couple more days. Then Rachelle left for the Caribbean to visit a friend in Tulum. I decided to stay and surf. I bought another surfboard. A fish, which I am having a lot of fun riding. After everyone left, Adolfo the guy running the place asked if I wanted to help in the restaurant since his brother who was helping him also left. So I started helping him about a week ago. I have my own room and balcony, get free food and don't have to do anything till after 5 so I can surf all morning. I even made a few tips when we catered a big gringo party down the beach the other day. He doesn't speak English so its great for my Spanish and I'm learning how to make some good traditional Mexican food. Adolfo left a couple of days and ago and left me in charge. Its funny how things fall into place if your open to it. I couldn't have asked for a better situation. A week ago I started doing an hour of meditation and an hour of yoga after my morning surf sessions and not drinking any alcohol. A sort of mind body cleanse. Its been really nice. A time to reflect and clear my head and physically I feel great. That's about it. My time down here is winding down and I will soon be heading back home. Until then.
much love

This is the view from the end of my bed.

This was the awesome swell. That day was sooooo fun!

Show em your ugly mug


Steve(o) said...

Well done brother!!! You certainly know how to live.

P.s. Sweet digs there!

Nicole Smith said...

First, l have to say, l am so happy you're still practicing yoga! Namaste : ) Second...what happened to your hair??? Sending love....xoxo